If you send us a check, every penny will be able to be used for what you designate the funds for.
Checks can be made out to:
Revive Liberia Missions Inc.
584 Sherfield Rd.
Spencer In. 47460
We also can take online donations which charge processing fees. No other overhead is deducted by us!
We ship cargo containers to Liberia packed full of supplies that Liberians need.
Woodworking equipment, farm equipment, tractor implements, tools, generators, vehicles, computer equipment and construction supplies are just a few of the things that have been donated in the past.
If you have something that might be handy, we can get it to them!
We need your prayers.
Please ask God to bless our work to ensure that our mission is successful.
For $75 a month, you (or your church) can provide full support to a pastor and his church in Liberia.
If you are interested in our work we would love for you to join our team when we go to Liberia.
Contact us for more information.
Add your name to our mailing list so we can keep you updated about upcoming events, speciality drives, new initiatives and more.
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